What PointOS is all about

By 1.8 min readPublished On: June 7, 2018

The beauty of PointOS Point of Sale is how carefully designed it is for restaurant and bar owners and managers. Our PointOS Point of Sale system has an intuitive touch design and fully-featured system that provides a better way to manage any and all operations for your business. All the possible tools (and a few extras) are all provided in our system, and they’re easy to pick up and learn. Bars have specific needs that other sectors of the service industry lack, and many of our competitors ignore this fact. We’ve brought special attention and care for these needs, and here you can read up on what exactly sets PointOS Point of Sale apart from our competitors and what we do to optimize your bar-owning experience.

With the Print-To-Kitchen function, you are able to designate multiple printers to server stations or kitchen stations. Have station specific options and particular printing options available at the touch of your finger.

With the Sales Reports function, you are able to print out or read accurate, complete (or short “to the point”) sales reports over a selected period of time.

With special Delivery Order functions, you can detail the type of order with easy to read icons and printed receipt orders. This includes deliveries, and PointOS can even provide Google Maps directions to addresses.

For a more secure and reliable service, we encourage servers to utilize our special ID scanner which investigates customer ID’s, scans them for authenticity, and is even able to save them as a permanent customer.

For a more comprehensive managing experience, we’ve provided a convenient system to record inventory and provide detailed reports. This allows for a hands-on managing experience in a simple point and tap format that’s ideal for any restaurant or bar owner.

For more about our complete list of updated features click here

Download a free 30-day trial to get started today.

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See you next week!
Your devoted hostess,
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