Better together-POS & credit card processing
When your evaluating POS systems, credit card processing is one of the biggest factors to consider when making your decision. POS credit card processing is designed to enhance your business by affording you more options for growing and understanding your customer base while not decreasing your bottom line.
Opting for the integration of a credit card processor into your POS system comes with many benefits and we’ve compiled some of the top ones below:
CRM is a customer relationship management system that is used by big businesses. Did you know that having a POS with a credit card processing integrated into it makes this technology a reality for small businesses, too.
You can compare POS sales to credit card deposit reports, view a detailed history and profile of all your customers, and gain insight into which customers visit your establishment the most and which are the biggest spenders. With these advanced customer reports, your managers can select individual guests and view detailed information about their buying preferences, contact information, and the time since their last visit. Pretty cool right? This will help you to design marketing campaigns around your top selling items, and offer specials to your best customers.
Your missing out on additional revenue channels if you’re not offering digital gift card or loyalty programs. Having credit card processing integrated into your POS will only improve it.
Loyalty programs that are linked to credit cards can allow guests to accumulate points immediately upon using their card. With digital gift cards guests will tend to spend 20% then the value on the cards. Additionally, with a dedicated CRM system, you can target your best customers with marketing campaigns and ask them to join your programs.
One of the worst things about owning a business is having to deal with technical difficulties beyond your control. How would you feel if I told you it would take only ONE phone call to reconcile your issues when you have your credit card processing integrated into your POS? Gone will be the days of having to call both the processor and the POS supports teams and upsetting your customers. With your POS system being cloud-based, your support team can work in real time and see the exact issue you’re facing wherever they are.
Lets not forget that our customer base is why we’re able to stay in business. So keeping them happy keeps the revenues flowing in. Having your credit card processing system integrated with your POS ensures that every part of the customer experience is positive from the start to finish.
If you’re looking for a effective solution for your point of sale needs, be sure to consider an integrated POS system.
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See you next week!
Your devoted hostess,
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